Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Just Saying

    My fourth chemo treatment (and hopefully last ever) will be tomorrow.
    I've been thinking how perhaps my "Hero's Journey" started last fall when I met up with a group of MFA friends in New Orleans. We spent an afternoon moseying in and among the art and artists at Jackson Square. My friend Marjorie commented on how she noticed I was attracted to angels. I've always loved the simple emotion of folk art but hadn't quite made that connection before.
     Here are a few pieces I bought which have significant meaning right now. 
     This painting --  "Can't Steal My Joy" by Sister Raya -- speaks to me each morning, especially in the days immediately following chemo.

And I wasn't necessarily thinking angels, but rather a tongue-in-cheek message for my teens with this metalwork by Jack Wittenbrink, crafted from debris from the ninth ward, an area of the city devastated by Hurricane Katrina. It says "My Mother is the Queen of All that Is."  There are angels as well as a demon child, and depending on how and where it's displayed, it casts the most amazing shadows.

And I love this acrylic painting by Cary Chunlee. It's far from angelic, but nonetheless quite appropriate right now.  I think of the voodoo doll as the Big C. Gotta love those eyes.

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