Monday, January 6, 2014

A Healthy Selfie

     If I wanted to increase readership (or instill horror in my children!) I would post a couple juicy selfies here, naked ones.  One before. One after.
     Instead, I’ll let one metaphoric image speak for itself. 

     I look almost identical now as I did before my surgeries. To me, this is miraculous.
    As far as my inner Hero’s Journey, I’m still pondering the greater wisdom, the magic elixir I apparently now possess. If I had to give a quick answer, I’d say it's about fun -- having more of it.
     For 2014, I’m committing to find more reasons to celebrate life -- the monumental occasions and the miniscule ones. I’m reminded of my 16-year-old’s beloved doll, Tina, and how for years my girls and I would throw birthday parties for Tina whenever the mood struck. Often, that mood was prompted by a desire for cake, but no matter! Tina had birthdays every season and we celebrated regardless of what else was going on in her life, whether it was the week her hair was butchered by a scissors-wielding sibling. Or whether it was the month she lost her hand, evidence of a life well lived. We didn’t need a big reason to bake a treat, decorate the dining room and have fun. Living was reason enough.
     Sometimes, it’s easy to forget all that.
     It’s also easy to forget that whatever you liked as a kid, you likely still do.
     I celebrated good health over the holidays and asked family and friends for ideas for more fun in 2014. I’d already unfolded my ping pong table and started embracing a bit of ping pong therapy, made all the better when I beat my husband. Apparently I find competition – and the occasional whomping of Ron -– fun!
     Here are a few other ideas that made the ‘How to Have More Fun’ list: 

  1.  Quit waiting. Rush forward.
  2.  Embrace life with all four limbs, heart and mind.
  3.  Ride a train somewhere you’ve never been.
  4.  Go to New York and see everything you’ve wanted to.
  5. Allow contemplation or quiet pursuits.
  6. Go to a summer retreat like SUUSI (Southeastern U.U. Summer institute in VA).
  7. Take ballroom dancing classes.
  8.  Let R and S known when you want to go to New Orleans and stay at our Play House!
  9. Buy your beautiful daughter that iphone she has been lusting after, already! 
    This is a small list, a starter really. I hope to add to it each day. In the meantime, I'm searching for Tina who is currently in hiding. I hope to find her soon because her birthday is coming up any day now...


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